Our Principal

 Thurgood Marshall Elementary School (TMES)

Welcome home! You have arrived at Mustang Country! 

Thank you in advance for selecting to bring your son/daughter to Thurgood Marshall Elementary School (TMES). Our community welcomes you as our partner in your child’s’ education. Within the mustang country,  we take great pride in family and look forward to serving your family with love, kindness, support, and the highest level of academic rigor. Our amazing and hardworking Mustang teachers, staff, and students (Mustangs) will be embarking on a journey unlike no other.  At TMES, we will work very hard with your family to ensure that your child receives the best education possible. Remember that your voice matters and we value parent involvement. Collaboration and communication will help be the link to ensure that your child thrives academically, and socially/emotionally.

As a servant leader, I am here to serve all Mustangs and their families.

In Service,

Dr. Monica Loyce